Day 304


Zonked out in the car after a long and busy day.

Day 303


Noodle Head!!

Day 302


My brother and I went and saw 'Saw VII' in 3D tonight at the cinema.
I liked it a lot better than I thought I would!
A little predictable, sure, but it was still enjoyable. :)

Day 301


I needed, okay, wanted, a shelf moved in the laundry cupboard but it needed a new shelf support hole drilled into it.
Alex to the rescue. :)

Day 300


We bought a new outdoor setting tonight from Kmart.
Kai was my little guardian when walking out to the car with it. lol

Day 299


This afternoon we got a quote for ducted gas heating to be installed.
It seems ACTewAGL suck big time as they told us it couldn't be done after checking out the space in our roof yet the THREE other quotes from independant businesses didn't even want to look in our roof cavity and told us it would be no problems!
Always get a second opinion!

Day 298


Kai likes to wrestle! lol