Guess what happened in this house today!
I debated with myself a lot as to whether to actually post this photo but in the end my want of documenting this moment won.
While Callum is no where near toilet trained yet we had a lot of progress compared to other days.
He used his potty (as in the old school style potty, not what's in this photo) 3 times and one of those time he went all by himself and I only knew he used it until he came out to take me in to show me!
Looks like my little baby boy is growing up. :(
The step ladder seat is a milestone today as he sat on it for about 5 minutes (nothing happened though. lol) whereas other times he doesn't even sit still on it for 20 seconds!
(and no, Callum wasn't born with a black dot over himself. That's my addition. ;) )