It's been a horrible, grey, rainy weekend this weekend.
Winter is truly round the corner.
But it seems the cockies don't mind.
They were out full force today.
While I only snapped two there were about a dozen sitting on the power lines.
Then a big gust of wind came up and they all screeched and flew away. lol
And another photo just cause I like it.
I love the leaves falling off the tree. :)
Due to a brand new PS3 that Alex got the other day we stopped into EB Games for a lookie at the games while doing a bit of shopping today.
Finding 'Guitar Hero: Aerosmith' preowned for $26 with a half price sticker on the front, we couldn't resist buying it.
$13. Score.
Problem is, we don't have the guitar controller to play it! lol
It's on our "PS3 stuff" list though.
Can't wait to play it. I'm just happy that it's got 'Sweet Emotion' on it.
That is my favourite Aerosmith song ever.
Tonight after dinner we were all playing in the lounge room when Callum started talking into a toy phone.
This is not unusual as he often has a pretend conversation with his cousin, Isabelle. "Who are you talking to, Callum?" "'Elle!"
Tonight I asked my usual question and expected to be told he was talking to "'Elle" but this time was different. Tonight he was talking to "Eye-ee!"
My brother's fiancée, Heidi.
I couldn't resist and texted Heidi telling her that Callum was currently talking to her on the phone and even sent her a photo of him.
Later on Heidi sent a photo back...talking to a toy phone!
Callum spent a few minutes talking to the photo. lol
Gotta love 'em! ♥
This is not something we would usually allow but when you have a toddler who hardly eats as it is and a hellish past 2 days like we've had, watching clips on YouTube at dinner time is totally okay with me if it'll mean said toddler will actually eat.
And he did. He almost cleaned off his plate.
Big achievement for someone like Callum!
We started out watching some Wiggles songs (and Alex and I singing along and doing the actions. 'Rock-a-Bye Your Bear' anyone? lol) but Callum saw a thumbnail of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so we also had a bit of M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E.
LONG day today.
But with the short nap Kai had (which a short nap is unusual for him unfortunately) I was able to make 2 sock puppets with Callum.
Okay, well, Callum did nothing to contribute but he had fun watching me make them...even if I'm not the best hand sewer. lol
I did have a chuckle when Alex asked me in a panicked sort of way if I was sure his black work sock was an odd one.
Trust me, I'm sure. lol
The red and white striped sock is one of Callum's so he's got a Callum-sized puppet.
They're a huge hit with him.
Especially when the puppets sneeze. ;)
Finally bought Kai a new carseat today.
Seeing as we don't go out in the car that often we've been able to get away with using the capsule up until now.
Target had a good price on a HiPod seat with their baby sale they have going at the moment but what's even better is that it scanned $20 cheaper.
Plus we had a $40 gift card we decided to use against it so it only cost us $60 out of our own pocket.
My family calls me the Bargain Queen.
I like to live up to the name. ;)
Was over at my parents today.
I've always loved these two photos of them "back in the day".
Honestly I don't know the story behind each photo and how old they were but I'm pretty sure it was before they got married which means my mum is a teenager in the photo!
Callum I busted Callum in Kai's cot (crib) today.
He is not usually allowed in it but he's drawn to Kai's mobile which I don't really blame him for. lol
I had heard that Kai was awake after his morning nap but I have a rule of not running in to him as soon as I hear him awake so he doesn't come to expect it (sometimes I simply can't run in with how Callum has been lately but I'm ever so grateful that Kai is such an easy going baby. He's happy enough to talk to the ceiling it seems).
I was doing something in the kitchen when I realised it was a little too quiet and discovered Callum wasn't in the lounge room.
Upon entering Kai's room I was greeted with the above brotherly moment.
Super cute!
I am just glad Kai was already awake although knowing him he wouldn't have cared either way! (I just wish Callum didn't have is dummy (pacifier) in his mouth. We're working on getting rid of it but baby steps are needed for it right now.)
And here's an outtake. lol
I also would like to apologise for Kai appearing in the same suit whenever I post a photo of him. His clothes are changed daily, I swear! It just always seems to be that there's a photo op whenever he's in this particular suit. I don't know why but it's actually kind of embarrassing!
Alex, Callum and I were outside this evening moving the rabbit pen to a fresh patch of grass.
There's a huge tree in our backyard which has finally started to turn its leaves catching up with the rest of the trees around with it being autumn.
There is a mass of newly fallen leaves underneath the big tree and it had Callum in awe.
He learnt what happens to leaves after explaining it to him and he was proudly telling Alex that there will be new leaves in spring.
Gotta love that boy! :)
We did a tiny craft project today.
Happened on a whim and I guess seeing as I managed to trace Kai's hand (and hold a crayon in his hand for him to 'colour' it in. lol) I decided to go with it and I insisted Alex make one of his hand.
I had to smile when I saw him drawing and colouring the Chevrolet bowtie.
Such an Alex thing to do!
Once I get some cardboard I'll be mounting the hands properly.
Unless I frame them.
Dismantled carport arrived by trailer. (super long trailer! 6 metres!)
The carport is going up behind our garage for some extra work space for Alex.
When that's going to happen though is anyone's guess.
Alex needs to get over the 2 full days of taking the thing down to think about putting it back up!
Men and their wonderful ideas...
My baby boy is getting too big too fast.
Please slow down!
I must say though, he's growing into such a handsome little person! (I could be a little biased though. lol)
I have a bit of a grumpy baby today so I'm seizing the chance to post today's photo while I get the chance.
Callum and I made a banana and blueberry cake today.
First time adding the blueberries so no idea how it'll taste.
But what kid doesn't enjoy licking out the bowl?
Call me a big kid cause I love doing it too. :)
Kai has his very first tooth!
I honestly believe it cut through yesterday but I hadn't felt his gums at all then so have just noticed it today.
My baby boy is growing up way too fast. :(
But check out those gorgeous peepers with long eyelashes!!
We went to the 'Mother's Day Party In The Park' today in Glebe Park.
Us 4 met up with Alex's mum and step-dad, my parents, my brother and his fiancée, and my 2 nieces.
This was a joke photo.
Just a random "oh hey, there's my brother."
But looking at all the photos I took today on my laptop I thought it was kinda neat.
You can see what the event was like in the reflection of my brother's glasses.
A much needed trip to the tip today to get rid of leaves, prunings and other garden waste that's been piling up.
I'm still hoping for the day when Canberra will decide to give everyone a green bin to use.
Would make every Canberran's lifestyle a whole lot easier.
I know it's not a great photo but if I don't post this I have nothing else.
I still think it's kinda cool and am itching to get some more practice in.
30 sec exposure
Would adore to do a longer exposure and see what it would look like.
btw, if you don't know what you're looking at, that is the Southern Cross constellation.
The same constellation that is on the Australian flag. ;)
There is rain forecasted tomorrow and I desperately needed to do washing today.
Unfortunately I started too late in the day so I'm having to dry it in front of the fire.
This is 3 loads.
I think now we're a family of 4 a 3rd clothes rack is needed as you can see by how creative I've had to be to get everything on the 2 I have.
Already though half of it is dry.
I'm kinda liking having a fireplace. :)