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Alex took me on a quick trip out to Spotlight for a few Easter crafty things I needed for the weekend.
It was also petrol day today so we filled up on the way home.
Pretty exciting my day was. ;)
It's been a stormy day today.
It poured.
This shot is part of our driveway at the front of the house.
Huddling in the corner outside of the front door on the front step to avoid the rain it's a good idea to remember to not let your almost 3 year old see what you're doing.
He wanted to come outside too and in the process of him fiddling with the door handle I was locked out. lol
Thankfully he knew what I was talking about when I told him to "turn the little lever" on the fly screen door.
My dad's uncle came to Canberra today for a quick overnight visit.
We (us, my parents, my brother, his girlfriend) all went out to dinner at a club to catch up with him.
Alex and I haven't seen him since our wedding last year.
At the club there is a small game arcade where you can play games for tickets to redeem for prizes.
Alex and I have a pretty extensive collection of tickets starting from about 2008.
We're saving them up for the big, totally overpriced, prize.
One game that pays out well with tickets are the ducks.
Ka-pow! Take that duckie!
I was woken this morning by Callum telling me to "ook! ook!" (look! look!)
He took me outside to where Alex was doing some work on the dashboard he's built for the 1971 HQ Monaro he's been doing up.
(and it's been a work in progress since before I knew him. these things take time and starting a family definitely get in the way of that!)
The dash is actually pretty impressive as Alex built it entirely from scratch.
Earth Hour 2010
We went to the Canberra Centre tonight to get a few thngs for Easter.
We also needed baby formula.
Parking is expensive there.
Alex and I went and saw Ross Noble tonight.
I've lost count at how many times I've seen him live but it's been an annual event for us to go to his show for a few years now.
Took this before the show and it's the backdrop for Ross's new tour "Things".
It's a "A four tentacled, dinosaur-legged, lobster-clawed, turtle-bodied, four-headed Ross-beast".
This is my pet rabbit, Magick.
He is one very lucky bunny.
He's proof that I'm a sucker for cute fluffy things with impending doom hanging over their heads. ;)
Ran a disk check this afternoon (with the help of my geeky brother!) as my laptop is sick.
After doing a frenzied backup of my photos seeing as I hadn't done one since February (which has resulted in really needing another external as adding 12gb of photos and downloaded movies/tv shows has now finally officially filled our current one. Blah.) I feel I am now playing Russian Roulette.
Who knows how long my laptop will last now?
Played around with the macro lens again this afternoon.
Get the feeling you're being watched? :)
top left - Alex
top right - Me
(and obviously I didn't take that!)
bottom left - Callum
bottom right - Kai
Please excuse the dirt around Callum's eye. He was having a wow of a time today playing in the backyard.
And why is that my boys have better eyelashes that I do?? They're gorgeous!
I had my very first play with the 50mm lens today that Alex gave me for our anniversary last weekend.
I didn't have that much time as Kai quickly grew bored of the camera being in his face but at least the lens has made it out of its box!
My sweet, adorable baby Kai.
I could look at this photo for the rest of my life if I had to.
But, I'm probably just a little bit biased. ;)
Tonight we went to Skyfire 22.
Alex and I hadn't been to one since well before Callum was born.
Spectacular as usual and while Callum got a little scared with the noise (the finale was super loud!) he did have a good time.
Murphy's Law decided to play a part though as just as the fireworks started the battery of the DSLR went flat.
It pays to have a backup battery, kids. ;)
The surroundings outside are filled with smoke.
The smell inside isn't particularly pleasant either.
When I went outside to have a look I saw that the sun had the usual deep orange/red glow when there is a fire somewhere.
From the googling I've done there's a hazard reduction burn being done over the border in NSW west of the Brindabellas.
This is not the photo I had wanted for Day 76.
The photo I did want is on Alex's phone and I can't find the card adapter for the micro SD card that our phones take so I can't get the photo off the phone.
I snapped this with my compact just before the nurse called Kai in for his 4 month vaccinations.
He did well.
Me on the otherhand...not so much.
Bit of the same as yesterday.
Not sure what the one on the left is supposed to be.
It did start out as a dragon (the tail) but once I added wings that's when it just turned into something random.
Callum still likes it though. :)
I don't think there really needs much of an explanation for today's photo.
Guess what Callum and I (okay, mainly me) did today?
A comment from Alex tonight prompted today's photo.
He came up to me holding my Care Bear and asked where it came from.
I said, "It's mine."
"Oh." was all he said but he was happy with that answer. lol
There are only a select few soft toys I will keep that I had growing up and my Bedtime Bear Care Bear is one of them. (the others being a brown teddy bear I received from friends for a birthday and 'PC' Popple.)
I remember when I got my Care Bear.
It was from my dad.
He brought it home after one of his many business trips away that resulted from being in the Air Force.
As you can see it's pretty well loved.
My love for that toy led me to get Callum a Care Bear of his very own for Christmas 2008 and I of course opted to get him Bedtime Bear.
It makes me smile everytime I see Callum cuddled up with his.
For Kai's 2nd Christmas I'll be getting him a Care Bear also.
I just need to decide which Bear he will be getting.
We had planned on staying all day down the coast and taking Callum back to the beach but after a horrible night of both Callum AND Kai being unsettled which resulted in a cranky overtired Callum we decided to come straight back to Canberra at 10am when we checked out of the Coachhouse.
Imagine our surprise when we drove up our driveway and Callum wakes up in his carseat and asks to go for a swim.
It seems that Callum is finally at the age where he will remember things we've promised him. lol (we told him we'd be going back to the beach when we left the one we were at yesterday)
Wondering what on earth we should do as both Alex and I were not in the mood for yet another tantrum we unpacked the car, came inside to eat some lunch and then packed another bag and went to the local pool.
It was Callum's first time in an indoor public pool and he loved it which I knew he would. That kid loves the water.
Not the end to the weekend I was expecting but the end result was still the same.
A very happy family.
This photo wasn't taken to be shown but after looking through all the photos I took once downloaded to my laptop I just had to share it afterall.
This is part of the Coachhouse Marina Resort at Batemans Bay, NSW.
A year ago Alex and I had our wedding reception there and as part of our package we were given a free nights accommodation for our first anniversary which is tomorrow.
I don't know why but it didn't occur to me that there could have been a wedding there this weekend and there was.
This couple got married on the headlands of the resort whereas Alex and I got married on a different beach but their reception was in the marquee like we chose to do.
This photo is from the villa we're staying in tonight and while we were killing a bit of time before going to a beach with the boys I snapped a few photos through the blinds with the zoom lens so I could have a sticky beak and see what their setup was like. ;)
While this photo doesn't really show their wedding (I have other better close up photos) I noticed it does show the villa (on the right) we stayed in and I got ready in for our wedding.
I can still see my hairstylist arriving and asking me what was wrong after seeing the look on my face when I found out our photographer had cancelled due to being sick and I can totally remember being so in awe of the beautiful bouquets the florist had made when she delivered them.
I honestly can't believe it's only been a year since Alex and I got married.
Spose that's what happens when you're together for so long beforehand!
Bit of a joke photo tonight.
This is a pyjama top Alex and I saw in Kmart.
I totally did a double take to make sure I read it right and once I was sure that yes, that is what it says, I just had to take a photo so it could be Day 71.
Last week a friend of mine posted a photo of some Elmo 'Fizzy Tub Colors' that her daughter loves using in her bath.
That photo reminded me that I had seen the equivalent of them here in one of the local supermarkets so I decided that the next time I was there I'd buy them.
And I did.
Callum loves his bath time even more now.
And I must admit I love making the bath water purple!
Thanks for the reminder, Meghann! :)
Tonight Alex and I saw "Alice in Wonderland" in 3D with my brother, his girlfriend, a friend from my brother's work and his wife.
My brother's girlfriend, Heidi, wanted to take a photo of herself and my brother wearing the 3D glasses.
So Heidi is my 'guest photographer' tonight and this is the photo that she took. :)
This photo shows one thing that happened tonight and also proved one thing to me.
If you were to know my eldest son, Callum, you'd know that he's behind in speech.
He's a great babbler in gibberish and when we made an appointment with ACT Speech Pathology at the start of February it was only then that he suddenly started saying words (of course!).
They're not complete words and he cannot put two words together let alone sentences but it's been a huge step forward for him.
We are on a waiting list to see a Speech Pathologist and for the parents whose child is on the waiting list a two night workshop is available to attend.
Tonight we went to the 2nd session.
We've come away with some new techniiques to try with Callum but a lot of the things taught we were already implementing but we're definitely not as worried as we had been as Callum seems to be learning new words every couple of days or so.
What was proven with this photo though is that I don't have to carry my compact camera with me at all times to get a photo.
This was taken with Alex's mobile (I left mine behind but we have the same phone) and the quality is actually very good which is surprising considering our phones are pieces of crap. ;)
I have a love for Logic Puzzles.
When I was a kid I remember my brother would always do them when we went camping.
I never understood how he worked the answers out and it just seem so foreign to me.
Now that I'm older (and I hope a little bit smarter!) I took the time to actually understand how it all works and every few months or so I get obsessed about them and it's the only puzzle I'll do.
A 'few months' has rolled around yet again so you'll probably find me with my nose in my puzzle book and pen in my hand.
Alex and I went to the movies tonight.
When we left our house at 4pm to take the boys to my parents' it had just started raining.
By the time we got to the cinema at 4:45 it was pouring.
When we got out of the cinema it was still pouring.
It poured the entire way home and at 11:52pm it's STILL pouring.
But I'm not complaining. I love rain. :)
Tonight we all went over to Alex's mum & step dad's place for dinner.
They have an awesome pond with mini waterfall in their backyard.
Everytime we visit Callum loves going out to check on the fish.
It rained pretty much non stop all day today.
Didn't do very much.
Callum on the otherhand left this lovely creation for me on the table next to my laptop.
Take one water bottle, one cardboard packing tube from a box a toy came in, 1 screwdriver and 1 empty clean kids juice bottle and...
I don't know what to title it though.
Footprints from the waterplay outside this evening.
Top left - Alex
Top right - Me
Bottom left - Callum
Bottom right - Kai
This photo sums up my husband.
Total utter goofball.
And I am totally utterly in love with my goofball.
When I downloaded the photos from today onto my laptop I instantly picked today's winner when I first saw it and stopped looking at the rest.
I just love how Kai's face is telling a completely different message than his tshirt.
Love it. ♥
Today was the Love Your Camera workshop run by photographer Angie Baxter.
Super lovely lady.
I learned a lot of things.
Some I already knew but was able to expand on and some I definitely didn't know.
I'm glad I made the decision to attend.