This photo shows one thing that happened tonight and also proved one thing to me.
If you were to know my eldest son, Callum, you'd know that he's behind in speech.
He's a great babbler in gibberish and when we made an appointment with ACT Speech Pathology at the start of February it was only then that he suddenly started saying words (of course!).
They're not complete words and he cannot put two words together let alone sentences but it's been a huge step forward for him.
We are on a waiting list to see a Speech Pathologist and for the parents whose child is on the waiting list a two night workshop is available to attend.
Tonight we went to the 2nd session.
We've come away with some new techniiques to try with Callum but a lot of the things taught we were already implementing but we're definitely not as worried as we had been as Callum seems to be learning new words every couple of days or so.
What was proven with this photo though is that I don't have to carry my compact camera with me at all times to get a photo.
This was taken with Alex's mobile (I left mine behind but we have the same phone) and the quality is actually very good which is surprising considering our phones are pieces of crap. ;)
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