Day 55


Having been in bed all day with a killer headache I had missed every opportunity to take a photo for today.
But I was lucky.
We have seen this cat hanging around our house for the past few weeks.
We have no idea who he (and yes, he is a he) belongs to. He is friendly and enjoys a pat but is also fairly skittish as well.
This evening as Alex was heading to the shed behind the garage he spied the cat just sitting and enjoying, what it looked like, a moments peace.
Alex motioned for me to come over to take a look and I took that chance to go grab the camera.
This shot is when the cat finally noticed anyone standing and looking at him.
It makes me wish we still had a cat to snuggle up to at night.
I really miss my cat Astin. :(


Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful cat!

:( I miss Astin too. Not that I actually knew her, but you know...I can't think about you without thinking about Astin, and I can't think about Sean Astin without thinking about you, which makes me think about Astin. LOL

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