Day 79


Tonight we went to Skyfire 22.
Alex and I hadn't been to one since well before Callum was born.
Spectacular as usual and while Callum got a little scared with the noise (the finale was super loud!) he did have a good time.
Murphy's Law decided to play a part though as just as the fireworks started the battery of the DSLR went flat.
It pays to have a backup battery, kids. ;)


Anonymous said...

Oooh pretty! My kids would have loved that. They love fireworks.

Meghann said...

Can I get tips on how you got this shot? I suck at night shots.

Anonymous said...

Meghann came back. Meghann is a liar. Liar liar pants on fire.

Meghann said...

I braved it for Deb and entrusted her with not doing that again.

LizzieJim said...

Awww, I'm trusted. ;)

The fireworks were shot in P mode with no flash. I had a 75-300mm zoom lens on. (well okay, not me personally. the camera. heh.) What I would do is focus on a firework then keep that focus (keeping the shutter button pressed halfway) and then wait for a another firework and just estimate the timing of the biggest burst.
The only tip I can give you really for night shots is to use a tripod if possible. I was going to use a tripod for the fireworks, even took it with me, but I ended up not being bothered. I don't take many night shots so that's all I got. lol

Are you playing around with the aperture and ISO at all?

Meghann Roper said...

Since I dont know what that is, no. lol

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