Day 87


I was woken this morning by Callum telling me to "ook! ook!" (look! look!)
He took me outside to where Alex was doing some work on the dashboard he's built for the 1971 HQ Monaro he's been doing up.
(and it's been a work in progress since before I knew him. these things take time and starting a family definitely get in the way of that!)
The dash is actually pretty impressive as Alex built it entirely from scratch.


Anonymous said...

Nice mask! lol

LizzieJim said...

lol Trust me, at one point I wished *I* had one to wear.
The dash is covered in fibreglass and resin and when he was angle grinding the wood heated up so much it started to burn which gave off smoke but also burned the fibreglass and you could totally smell how toxic it is. So gross.

Anonymous said...

It just reminds me of that Dr. Who episode..."Are you my mummy?" lol

LizzieJim said...

You know, out of VERY little Dr Who I've seen...I actually know which episode you're talking about. Go me. lol

Anonymous said...

LOL I figured if you didn't know, Geoff probably would have. He's a dorky sci-fi geek like me...I mean Clint. ;)

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